Omega Hire
Omega Hire
Employer's partners
Employers select Talent Pools in the On-Demand Communities and post a job to instantly view, shortlist & hire candidates for an immediate start. Candidates are filtered by location, availability, charge rates and work preferences.
We are partners with various recruiters and institutes, so there is continuous stream of talent.
Instead of scanning through hundreds of resumes, Omega Hire instantly screens new and existing resumes and surfaces matching candidates & rank CVs, based on in-depth review and intelligence gets a Job match score and published a work-ready shield.
Instead of scanning through hundreds of resumes, Omega Hire instantly screens new and existing resumes and surfaces matching candidates & rank CVs, based on in-depth review and intelligence gets a Job match score and published a work-ready shield.
So that the employers can shortlist the correct candidates according to rank and multiple data sets.
Employers select Talent Pools in the On-Demand Communities and post a job to instantly view, shortlist & hire candidates for an immediate start. Candidates are filtered by location, availability, charge rates and work preferences.
We are partners with various recruiters and institutes, so there is continuous stream of talent.
Instead of scanning through hundreds of resumes, Omega Hire instantly screens new and existing resumes and surfaces matching candidates & rank CVs, based on in-depth review and intelligence gets a Job match score and published a work-ready shield.
So that the employers can shortlist the correct candidates according to rank and multiple data sets.